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LänkarThe Tavistock InstituteThe Tavistock Institute is a not-for-profit organisation which undertakes consultancy, research and professional development. The institute helps organisations learn and develop through innovation and change, working with the technical and emotional challenges involved. They integrate different approaches from the social sciences to give clients a deep understanding of their issues and potential ways forward and brings assumptions to the surface. The Tavistock Institute works with the unpredictable, including what is hidden, and sometimes, unconscious. Läs mer på www.tavinstitute.org GroupRelations.comGroupRelations.com is a resource for people who are interested in the dynamics of people and organisations. It provides accurate and up-to-date information about the theory behind group relations, people and organisations around the world who practise group relations, and group relations conferences and publications. There's also a discussion forum for debate on the theory, design, research and application of group relations in organisations and wider society. Läs mer på www.grouprelations.com The Grubb InstituteThe Grubb Institute is an applied research foundation working globally to enable leaders, managers and others to achieve personal and organisational purpose, using their values, passions, faiths and beliefs as resources to be more effective in their responses to the constantly changing geopolitical context, locally, nationally and internationally, transforming their organisations and institutions. Stiftelsen AgsloAGSLO bildades 1974 och är en stiftelse med huvuduppgift att ordna arbetskonferenser utifrån den tradition som har sina rötter i det arbete som inleddes vid Tavistock Institute of Human Relations i London på 1950-talet. Genom forskning, konsultation och arbetskonferenser har beteendevetare, psykoanalytiker, tekniker, antropologer, samhällsvetare och ekonomer tillsammans strävat efter att nå en djupare förståelse av de sociala skeenden som inverkar på organisationers och gruppers sätt att fungera. CoachandepsykologerSyftet med nätverket är att erbjuda en mötesplats för leg psykologer som arbetar med coachning och att stärka psykologin inom coachning samt att kunna erbjuda klientorganisationer möjligheten till professionell coachning. Läs mer på www.coachandepsykologer.se ISPSOProvides a forum for academics, clinicians, consultants and others interested in working in and with organizations utilizing psychoanalytic concepts. OPUSInternational consultancy for infrastructure, architecture, construction, water, environment, asset development and management solutions. |